The bpt Command-Line Interface

bpt ships as a single stand-alone executable. Brief help on any bpt command can be accessed by passing the --help flag.

These documentation pages will explain the command-line interface of the bpt executable.

Base Options

The following command-line arguments are available for all bpt commands and subcommands:


Access the “help” message from any subcommand.

--log-level {trace,debug,info,warn,error,critical,silent}

Set the bpt logging level. trace will emit maximal warning information, while silent will emit no information. All log output is written to the stderr stream.

--crs-cache-dir <directory>

Specify the directory used to store CRS package metadata and CRS package files.

See also

The BPT_CRS_CACHE_DIR environment variable

Base Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to control bpt’s behavior. They each correspond to a common bpt command-line arguments. If bpt sees both an environment variable definition and a given command-line argument, the command-line argument will take precedence.


An environment variable that controls --log-level.


Setting this environment variable to a “truthy” value will imply the --no-default-repo flag to any bpt command that accepts that flag.


An environment variable that sets the directory where bpt will store its CRS metadata and cached CRS packages.

This environment variable corresponds to the bpt --crs-cache-dir option.


Setting this environment variable to an integer value will specify the default for the --jobs option. This can be used to control the concurrency of bpt subprocesses that you may not have access to directly change the command invocations.

bpt Subcommands

bpt defines the following top-level subcommands: